Thursday, 20 January 2011


Civil War Projects
Powerpoint Presentations:

w/ bullet point notes.

If it is a battle:

A) Date(s)
B) Commanders
C) Winner
D) Importance of the battle (meaning - what was it about; why did it happen; what were the objectives; where did it lead - what happened afterwards)
E) Story/Diary from the battle (soldier) or 3-4 quotes about the battle (by people alive during the Civil War)
F) Why did you learn

Also Needed:

10 photos from the Civil War (photos of commanders, photos or battle field, the soldiers, the dead)
2 current photos of the battlefield
1 piece of Civil War music
1 website


A) Birth/Death dates for each person
B) List of major achievements during the Civil War (at least 5 for each)
C) Importance during the Civil War and after
D) 4 quote from each person during the war or about the war
E) 4 photos of the person during their life (at least 2 during the war)
F) 1 photo of monuments/grave stone of each person
G) 1 photo of family and/or significant others
H) 1 story about the death or things that happened during the war
I) 1 piece of Civil War music
J) 1 website link

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